How easily get my data from Senlab™ Gateway to Niagara ?
Get all data in real-time on Niagara 4!
With the SENSING LABS driver for Niagara 4,
recover the data from your devices in a few minutes.
NIAGARA 4 developped by BTIB-VAYANDATA is a solution to:
- Enable data acquisition
- Build a graphical Web interface
- Communicate with any type of third-party software.
Senlab ™ LoRaWAN ™ sensors are made to :
- Monitor and reduce energy consumption
- Optimize building maintenance
- Make predictive analytics
- Enable IoT platforms to provide data management solutions.
- PLC or cloud running NIAGARA 4
Tridium/Vykon or any other OEM platform (Distech Control, Trend, Centraline, Saïa Burgess, Honeywell, Sontay, Regin, Phoenix Contact…)
- Niagara or upper
- License for “RestNetwork” module (Niagara4), contact “VayanData“
==> “Rest Network” :
- Senlab™ Gateway 2.4.x
- Senlab™ device(s) type: Temperature, Humidity, Metering, Digital, Passage, Presence
- Senlab™ Gw and Niagara on the same TCP/IP network (Ethernet, GPRS, VPN)
1.Declare the Senlab™ device driver in Niagara
2.Enter the IP address of the Senlab™ gateway and the logins
3.Drag and drop the sensors you want to take back
4.Historical and real-time values are automatically brought back
5.Visualize your data in HTML5 graphs