Sensing Labs sensors for more energy efficient buildings
Touleco – Ysis Percq broadcast – France Bleu Hérault
Sensing Labs, hosted at CAP OMEGA, makes buildings more energy efficient thanks to its low-consumption and long-range smart LoRaWAN™ sensors.
Data analysis identifies anomalies such as a leak, a light left on at abnormal times, or an overheated room when it is empty. Users can thus modulate their habits. The decrease in energy consumption can reach 30%.
Sensors of the Senlab range are also suitable for connected industry.
Created in 2014, Sensing Labs has 10 employees and has multiplied its turnover by 2.5 in 2017.
Listen to the entire Touleco – Ysis Percq broadcast on France Bleu Hérault
Sensing Labs sensors for more economical buildings podcast
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