Simplify access to satellite IoT and connect intelligence at anytime anywhere

Kinéis, Sensing Labs and ZiFiSense join hands in development of Software-Defined IoT chip for seamless access of satellites/ground networks

Kinéis, a satellite-based IoT operator, along with Sensing Labs, a provider of smart IoT solutions for the EMEA market, and ZiFiSense, a provider of “ZETA LPWAN” silicon IP and “chip-to-cloud” IoT infrastructure, are working on a SW-configurable and self-adaptive LPWAN chipset that is capable of connecting to Access Points on the ground and to satellites when it is out of reach of ground based infrastructure. With its innovative DSP+ASIC signal processing architecture, the chipset is expected to be the industry’s first that supports direct communication to LEO satellites through the same LPWAN radio. The work is also backed by fabless chip makers from the ZETA Alliance providing volume production capability that meets the demand of the global market at the lowest cost. Sensing Labs shall bring to the European logistics industry complete IoT solutions making use of the technical features of this new chip.

With seven satellites already in orbit and 25 more to be launched within the next 18 months, Kinéis differentiates itself with a very low-power wireless communication technology that has been used for over 40 years to receive signal from battery powered sensors, as well as producing GPS-free location estimates,. On the other hand, based on the company’s proprietary ZETA AM-FSK radio technology, ZiFiSense is leading the “LPWAN 2.0” road-map in which the size and cost of sensors equipped with long range radios become comparable to those of RFID tags enabling a ubiquitous mass of connected “things” beyond billions.

This new chip is scheduled to be launched globally in Q1 2023. The companies believe it shall lead to the emergence of a seamless infrastructure with the convergence of LEO satellites covering things in rural areas and those on the move, with ground-based networks covering urban areas and indoors. There are a wide range of use cases in verticals such as Connected Transport, Logistics, and Oil & Gas & Wind industries that are expected to benefit from connecting battery powered sensors to such a global infrastructure.

Alexandre Tisserant, Kineis, CEO:
ZiFiSense integration of Kinéis technology is a significant milestone towards simplifying access to satellite IoT. The global coverage we provide is the perfect complement for terrestrial networks and this chipset will make integration and hybridization easier, opening the way for many new use cases requiring such seamless hybrid connection”.

Yann Guiomar, Sensing Labs, CEO:
‘’This coming LPWAN new chipset will be a real game changer in the field of hybrid satelliteterrestrial communication and will unlock the business potential of the myriad of use cases requiring such an hybridation without any extra cost compared with traditional terrestrial legacy technologies. We are proud and excited to be part of this adventure with ZifiSense and Kinéis.’’

Dr. Zhuoqun Li, ZiFiSense, CEO:
‘’It is a great pleasure working with Kinéis and Sensing Labs in this cuttingedge project. By converging satellite IoT and LPWAN with a low power single radio chip, we shall present to the industry how the vision of “connected intelligence anytime anywhere” could be achieved with minimal cost.’’About Kinéis:
Founded in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite operator and a global connectivity provider. It inherited CNES and CLS expertise from forty years of working with the Argos system and developed reliable technology that provides easy access to useful satellite data. In order to make life easier for professionals and individuals and to encourage them to use its product and services, Kinéis locates and connects objects wherever they are on the planet. It does this by deploying its full capacity for technological innovation to combine NewSpace and IoT.


About Sensing Labs
Sensing Labs is a rapidlygrowing company founded in 2014 in France, specialized in the design and sales of ultralow power smart wireless sensors using LPWA technologies with up to 20 years of battery life. Sensing Labs offers a complete solution (sensors, concentrators and software tools) to companies that wish to develop endtoend business solutions requiring long range & long battery life duration sensors, in the fields of Smart Building, Smart Metering
and Asset tracking. Sensing Labs is a team of enthusiastic and highly experienced wireless product designers, IoT
architecture experts and seasoned business developers with a strong successful track record for developing and commercializing wireless sensors around the world.About ZiFiSense
ZiFiSense is “chiptocloud” LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) technology provider while operating its own crosscountry network dedicated for tracking of goods in transit. Based on its proprietary ZETA AMFSK ultranarrowband radio technology, the company strives to promote the vision of “LPWAN 2.0” that shall see LPWAN connectivity reaching a ubiquitous mass of “things” beyond billions. The ZETA Alliance, an ecosystem of IoT chip, hardware and solutions providers that have adopted the technology, has attracted more than 300 members globally across 20+

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The LoRaWAN™ specification has been designed from the onset with security as an essential aspect, providing state-of-the art security properties for the need of highly-scalable low power IoT networks.

Unlike many others IoT technologies, it already offers dedicated end-to-end encryption to application providers.


All LoRaWAN traffic is protected using the two session keys:
– For avoiding packet tampering, a Message Integrity Code (MIC) is computed with AES-CMAC based on NwkSKey.
– A frame counter is used for avoiding packet replay.
– The payload is encrypted by AES-CTR using the AppSKey.

Maximised security in Senlab LoRaWan sensors: 

Sensing Labs allows the customization of the sensor safety.

Security material

DevEUI: This unique Identifier is public and is linked to the end node. It can be compared to the ID card.

AppEUI: This Identifier is public and is linked to the Join Server. It is used by network servers to contact the right Join server during the Join phase of the end node.

AppKey: The AppKey is secret and is linked to the end node. It is also provided to the Join Server so that it can derive the NwkSKey and the AppSKey during the Join phase of the end node.

Sensing Labs devices allows the modification of AppEUI and also the customization of security AppKey.


  • At installation.
  • At migration during the life of device with new AppEUI and AppKey.

How Hoganas city manage to monitor passage at different point of the city?

The objectives of the project ?
Höganäs city needs to gather data on walking behavior in walking trails and to monitor passage on busy places and shopping streets.
The solution implemented?
For this project, Ambiductor recommended to place a PIR-LAB-51NS, IP55 and surveillance cameras for deterrent purposes.
The sensors are connected on LoRa network provided by a Swedish Network operator Pingday ( Öresundskraft )
Höganäs get data on its own IoT plateform and Application server, using a Swedish software design of visualisation.

For more details on this project, watch this video

Nouveau partenariat: ZIFISense et Sensing Labs

ZiFiSense s’implante en Europe afin de promouvoir ZETA comme la nouvelle génération de technologie LPWA

ZiFiSense, un des leaders innovants de l’internet des objets connectés (IoT) et inventeur de la technologie ZETA LPWA, a annoncé, en collaboration avec la société Sensing Labs, le lancement sur le marché européen de ses modules RF ZETA et ZETags, capteurs et équipements de réseau.

ZETA utilise un système avancé de modulation et de codage M-FSK inventé par ZiFiSense pour détecter et démoduler les signaux provenant d’émetteurs de très faible puissance. La sensibilité du récepteur M-FSK peut ainsi atteindre – 150 dBm. ZETA offre ainsi des portées de communication très élevées tout en maintenant une puissance d’émission très faible. La technologie offre également une haute capacité réseau et des débits de données de 20 Kbps à 500 Kbps, tout en étant compatible avec la plupart des puces (G) FSK du marché. ZETA est en outre la première technologie LPWA supportant un maillage distribué (Mesh).

La technologie ZETA s’impose aujourd’hui progressivement comme un nouveau standard de l’IoT au Japon, en Chine et en Asie du Sud-Est. Cette technologie LPWA de nouvelle génération élargit l’utilisation de l’IoT dans les domaines des bâtiments et de l’industrie ; grâce à des modules de la taille d’un timbre-poste (ZETags), elle permet de connecter et suivre de petits objets tels que des enveloppes ou des colis (logistique). La collaboration entre ZiFiSense et Socionext permettra de réduire encore les coûts de cette technologie, grâce à un nouveau SoC ZETag en 2021.

Ce partenariat signé avec Sensing Labs s’inscrit dans l’expansion de la ZETA Alliance à l’Europe. Les intégrateurs et fournisseurs européens de l’IoT seront invités à s’associer à la coopération technologique et commerciale des 300 membres actuels de la ZETA Alliance qui contribuent à un nouveau modèle d’accès universel à l’IoT LPWAN 2.0. Cela fait écho aux décisions de NTT DoCoMo, SoftBank, China Mobile, Nokia Bell (Nokia Networks) et, récemment, STMicroelectronics, de rejoindre la ZETA Alliance comme membres promoteurs.

Sensing Labs et son réseau de distributeurs européens feront la promotion et la distribution des solutions basées sur ZETA et ZETags en collaboration avec l’équipe support de ZiFisense Europa, MM. Bernard SOULEZ et Emmanuel MERIL.

« Nous sommes très excités par l’Accord de partenariat signé avec ZiFiSense », a déclaré Yann Guiomar, Directeur général de Sensing Labs. « La technologie ZETA développée par ZiFiSense offre des avantages déterminants en coût et en performances pour déployer à grande échelle des capteurs LPWA, notamment dans les applications logistiques ; nous sommes convaincus que cette technologie jouera ainsi un rôle-clé en Europe avec son adoption rapide par les industriels et entrepreneurs de l’IoT. L’annonce faite la semaine dernière par STMicroelectronics de son engagement au sein de la ZETA Alliance nous conforte dans cette vision »


Yann Guiomar, Directeur général de Sensing Labs, bénéficie d’une connaissance étendue et d’une expérience réussie sur les différents marchés de l’IoT et des Télécoms. Il a occupé des postes de direction au sein du Groupe Elster et de Coronis System.



Bernard Soulez, membre de l’équipe support de ZiFiSense Europa, a occupé des postes de direction au sein du Groupe Bouygues et de ses branches ; il est actuellement Ambassadeur pour la Smart Buildings Alliance (SBA).



Emmanuel Meril, membre de l’équipe support de ZiFiSense Europa, a notamment été précédemment associé de CMS Francis Lefebvre avocats.


À propos de la Zeta Alliance 

 La ZETA Alliance est une alliance technologique mondiale, établie en Chine et au Japon et comptant plus de 300 membres. Elle vise à promouvoir ZETA LPWA et ZETags pour une multitude de solutions IoT basées sur la technologie avancée de modulation M-FSK, une innovation ZiFiSense. Cette technologie se distingue par une série d’innovations en matière de communications sans fil, avec un coût très faible, une taille minimale et une connectivité à longue distance dans le but d’offrir un accès universel au réseau LPWAN 2.0 et à l’Internet des Objets (IoT).

À propos de ZiFiSense:

Fondée en 2013, la vision de ZiFiSense est de fournir des infrastructures Internet des Objets (IoT) omniprésentes grâce à la technologie ZETA LPWAN et ZETAgs à faible consommation d’énergie et à faible coût. ZiFiSense dispose de larges capacités de R&D allant des modules RF et des protocoles sans fil aux algorithmes et aux plateformes Cloud. Nous avons plus de 500 clients et partenaires dans plus de 20 pays et régions du monde.

À propos  de Sensing Labs:

Sensing Labs est une société à croissance rapide, fondée en 2014 en France, spécialisée dans la conception et la vente de capteurs sans fil intelligents longue portée et très basse consommation utilisant les technologies LPWA avec jusqu’à 20 ans de durée de vie des batteries. Nous sommes une équipe passionnée et expérimentée de concepteurs de capteurs wireless industriels et d’experts des architectures de l’Internet des Objets bénéficiant d’une grande expérience du développement et de la commercialisation de capteurs sans fil dans le monde.

Sensing Labs offre des solutions complètes (capteurs, concentrateurs et outils logiciels) aux intégrateurs qui souhaitent développer des applications verticales de bout-en-bout nécessitant des capteurs à longue portée et à longue durée de vie des batteries dans les secteurs des bâtiments intelligents, des compteurs intelligents, de l’agriculture connectée et du suivi des équipements ou des objets (logistique).

À propos de ZiFiSense Europa

 ZiFiSense Europa est créé conjointement par ZiFiSense et ses principaux partenaires européens, en particulier Sensing Labs, dans le but d’élargir la ZETA Alliance à l’Europe et ainsi de promouvoir la coopération internationale au sein de l’industrie de l’Internet des Objets (IoT), grâce à des programmes conjoints de recherche et développement, des licences technologiques et des partenariats commerciaux.

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A versatile temperature monitoring featuring LoRaWAN connectivity

You need to monitor your ambient temperature ?

You wish to maintain the cold chain in the food or the pharmaceutical industries ?

You want to control hot water pipes ?

SENSING LABS offers you the solution !

A multitude of external probes can be connected to our new Senlab temperature device, TEM-LAB-34NS, allowing to monitor a very large scale of temperatures.

TEM-LAB-34NS is equipped with 1 Binder connector 5 PINS – MALE (5 cm cable).

This Senlab™ T can be connected to a multitude of external probes and monitor a very large scale of temperatures :

• Dallas probe to measure temperatures from -45°C to +125°C, with high precisionaccuracy (±0.5°C from -10°C to +85°C, ±2ºC else).

• PT 1000 probes equipped with a one-wire converter to monitor temperature from -190°C to + 600°C.

• Thermo-couples probes can also be connected (please contact us)

The datasheet here:

#lorawan #temperature #smartbuilding



You Want to plan, schedule and connect your irrigation ?

SENLAB™ V is a DC LATCH SOLENOID DRIVER with a  LORAWAN™ communication interface.

It is designes for 9-12V DC LATCH SOLENOIDS .

For more information, contact us !

#SenlabV #smartirrigation

passage on walking trails Proximus Sensing Labs

[People counting solutions use case]

Proximus for Enterprises and SENSING LABS present the people counting in walking trails .

How getting traffic statistics, learn more about the ecological and economic impacts, especially in the Covid-19 context?

SENLAB IP68 people counting devices can transmit up to 1000 detection per day in real time condition.

PROXIMUS #IoT platform allows to visualize the data and to manage the walking trails #lorawan #smartdata

Watch the full use case

Senlab™ D : Water Leak Detection (LEA-LAB-13NS)

What If a solution could optimize your Smart Building project ?

The presence of water is critical for your system?

Want to Protect your water-sensitive materials (data center, critical equipment, etc.) ?

This Senlab™ D (Water Leak Detection LEA-LAB-13NS) offers a solution to detect water presence on the floor and can alert with an alarm as soon water presence is detected.

#lorawan #waterleakdetection

You can learn more about this solution: Download the datasheet : Senlab D – Outdoor Leak detection- LoRaWAN – (

ZiFiSense is expanding to Europe to promote ZETA as a new generation of LPWA technology

Paris, 1st February 2021 ZiFiSense, an innovative Long-Range IoT leader and the inventor of ZETA LPWA, has announced that it will cooperate with Sensing Labs to launch its ZETA and ZETags IoT modules and associated IoT solutions, sensors and network equipment, on the European markets.

ZETA leverages an advanced M-FSK modulation and coding scheme created by ZiFiSense that allows the system to detect and demodulate signals from transmitters of extremely low power. M-FSK receiver sensitivity can get as low as -150dBm. Hence ZETA can achieve extremely long wireless-communication range with low transmitter output power. The technology also distinguish itself from excellent scalability supporting data rates from 20bps to 500kbps while being downward compatible with most (G)FSK chips in the market. ZETA is also the first LPWA standard that supports Distributed Mesh Access.

ZETA technology is quickly becoming an emerging IoT standard throughout Japan, China, and South-East Asia. As a new generation of LPWA technology, this technology is already well known for its stamp-sized sensor (Zetag) that expands use cases of long range IoT from buildings, machines, to even small objects such as envelopes and parcels. Collaboration between ZiFiSense and Socionext shall see further cost reduction in the technology in 2021 with a new Zetag SoC chip.

The partnership signed with Sensing Labs is a first step in the deployment of the ZETA Alliance over all Europe. IoT players, vendors and distributors will be invited to join the technological and commercial cooperation of the current 300 Alliance members in order to deploy a new model of LPWA 2.0 – Pervasive IoT. This move echoes the joining of NTT Docomo, SoftBank, China Mobile, Nokia Bell and, recently, of ST Microelectronics as global promoter members of the ZETA Alliance.

Sensing Labs, together with its European distribution network, will promote and distribute solutions based on ZETA and ZETags, with ZiFiSense Europa support team, Mr. Bernard Soulez and Mr. Emmanuel Meril.

“We are very excited by the partnership we signed with Zifisense” said Yann Guiomar, CEO of Sensing Labs. “ZETA, the technology developed by Zifisense, offers decisive advantages in terms of cost and performances to massively deploy LPWA sensors and tags-based solutions in Europe, notably for logistics solutions. We are convinced that this technology will play a key role in Europe with its adoption by industrial and IoT players. The announcement made last week by ST Microelectronics to join the ZETA alliance reinforce our confidence in this vision.”.


Yann Guiomar, CEO Sensing Labs, has extensive understanding and hands-on experience in IoT sensors business. He previously held management positions in Elster Group and Coronis Systems.



Bernard Soulez, ZiFiSense Europa support team, previous experiences include management positions in the Bouygues Group, presently Ambassador for the Smart Buildings Alliance (SBA).



Emmanuel Meril, ZiFiSense Europa support team, previous experience includes notably partner with CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats.


About ZETA Alliance

ZETA Alliance is a global technology alliance, already set up in China and Japan with over 300 members, which aims to promote the ZETA LPWA standard for a wide range of IoT solutions based on the Advanced M-FSK modulation technology originally developed by ZiFiSense. The technology differentiates itself from the crowd with a set of innovations in wireless communications that deliver very low cost, minimal size and long-range connectivity for the vision of LPWA 2.0 – Pervasive IoT.

About ZiFiSense:

Founded in 2013, our vision is to provide the world with pervasive IoT infrastructure through a low power and low-cost network ZETA LPWA. ZiFiSense has end-to-end R&D capabilities from communication hardware, wireless protocols, algorithms to cloud platforms. Globally we have over 500 clients and partners across 20+ countries and regions.

About Sensing Labs:

Sensing Labs is a rapidly-growing company founded in 2014 in France, specialized in the design and sales of ultra-low power and long range smart wireless sensors using LPWA technologies with up to 20 years of battery life. We are a team of enthusiastic and highly experienced wireless product designers, IoT architecture experts and seasoned business developers with a strong successful track record for developing and commercializing wireless sensors around the world.

Sensing Labs offers a complete solution (sensors, concentrators and software tools) to integrators that wish to develop end-to-end business solutions requiring long range & long battery life duration sensors, in the fields of Smart Building, Smart Metering, connected agriculture and asset tracking.

About ZiFiSense Europa:

ZiFiSense Europa is set up by ZiFiSense together with its major European partners, including notably Sensing Labs, to expand the ZETA Alliance in Europe and to promote international collaborations in the industry for the common vision of Pervasive IoT, including technology licensing, joint R&D and commercial partnerships.

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SL-SETTING Commissioning Kit : An essential tool to configure parameters of Senlab™ Sensors.

SL-Setting commissioning kit allows to change Senlab sensors factory settings once the product is installed contactless:

• In the workshop before shipping or installation

• Directly on the field once installed

SL-Setting allows to configure the network, ensure the maintenance of your Senlab device and export the commissioning data.

SL-Setting is available in two versions :

• A windows PC version

• A lighter android version for field operation.

To learn more about content and features of both versions, download the datasheet SL-SETTING: